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Mention is made here of a bill drawn upon ‘John Henderson Esquire of Caskiebain’; was he the father or other senior male relative of Dr William Henderson of Caskieben, referred to in the following connections:

A manuscript handed down by his grandfather, George Leslie,

likewise, The Terpersie Family, and

in a letter from Margaret Garden to William Leiper, dated 10th May 1877, in which Dr Henderson is stated to have died lately?

Testament Testamentary and
Inventory of the debts sums of money
and Effects which pertained and
were vesting and owing to the
deceased Margaret Gordon residing
in Aberdeen Relict of the deceased
John Lindsay late of Madras, at
the time of her death which happened
upon the                       day of January
last : Given up and Confirmed
on before the Commifsary of Aberdeen
by Peter Wemyfs residing at Gibstone,
and George Catanach at Bridge of
Mofset Executors nominated by the
said defunct, conform to Last Will
and Testament dated the twenty
ninth of June one thousand eight
hundred and five and registered in
the Commifsary Court Books of
Aberdeen the twentieth of January
last : Under Protestation That the
said Executors should be at liberty to
add and eik to the sums of money
aftermentioned all other subjects and
Effects falling under the said defuncts
Executry : That they shall be no further
liable than to the extent of their
Intromifsions ; and, That they should
have retention in their own hands of
all preferable debts, of the expences (sic)
of said Confirmation, and of all
other Expence to be incurred by
them in relation to the said Exe-
cutry. The said Executors with
and under the foregoing protestations
Gave up, granted, and confefsed,
That the said Margaret Gordon
otherwise Lindsay had which be-
longed to her at the time of her
death Two pounds sterling being
part of One hundred pounds sterling
contained in a Bill drawn by
the said defunct on and accepted
by John Henderson Esquire of
Caskiebain: Item two pounds
sterling being part of Twelve pounds
twelve shillings sterling contained
in Peter Wemyfs of Craighall his
accepted Bill to the said defunct:
Item One hundred and Fifty pounds
three shillings and sixpence sterling
being the balance of the principal
sum and interest contained in
a Bill drawn by the said defunct
on and accepted by Lieutenant
Colonel Robert William Duff of
Fetterefso, dated the twenty third
of June Eighteen hundred and four
and payable on the twentieth of
June thereafter.

Follows tenor of an Extract of the
Defuncts Last Will & Testament
At Aberdeen the twentieth day
of January in the year Eighteen hundred
and six. In presence of Arthur Dingwall
Fordyce of Culsh Doctor of Laws Com-
mifsary of Aberdeen Compeared Andrew
Jopp Advocate in Aberdeen as Pro’r and
gave in the Last Will and Testament
under written desiring the same might
be insert and registered in the Com-
mifsary Court Books of Aberdeen in
terms of the clause of Registration therein
contained which request the Commifsary
foresaid finding reasonable ordained the
same to be done accordingly whereof
the tenor follows vizt. I Margaret Gordon
residing in Aberdeen relict of the
deceased John Lindsay late of Madras,
in order to settle my affairs, do hereby
Constitute and appoint Peter Wemyfs
residing at Gibston, and George Cata-
nach at Bridge of Mofset, my brothers
in law, to be my Executors, adminis-
trators, and intromitters with the
whole moveable and personal Estate
that shall belong to me at the time
of my death, with full power to them
to intromit with my whole moveables,
and Executory of every description ; to
give up Inventories thereof ; to confirm
the same ; and generally, to do every
thing in the premises competent to
Executors. Declaring always that
the said Peter Wemyfs and George
Catanach, shall hold the said subjects
in trust only, to be disposed of by them
in the following manner vizt. In
the first place, in payment of all
my lawful debts, and funeral
charges and of such necefsary ex-
pences as may be laid out in con-
firming and recovering my effects ;
and next, in payment of the follow-
ing legacies which I do hereby give
and bequeath to the persons after-
mentioned namely, To Margaret
Wemyfs, daughter of the said Peter
Wemyfs, and spouse to John Umphray
merchant in Fochabers, the sum of
Sixty pounds sterling, to Alexander
and Mary Humphray children of
the said Margaret Wemyfs and John
Umphray, the sum of ten pounds
sterling each ; and to the said Mary
Umphray my metal watch, to
Elizabeth Catanach daughter of
the said George Catanach, the
sum of Thirty four pounds sterling,
together with all my cloaths, and whole
Household furniture, except my mulberry
striped satin gown which I hereby
bequeath to Margaret Catanach
daughter of the said George Catanach,
and Relict of the Reverend George
Gibb, late Episcopalian clergyman in
Turiff to whom I further give and
bequeath the sum of Twenty pounds
sterling ; to Isobel Catanach, daughter
of the said George Catanach, and spouse
to William Mellis Manufacturer
in Huntly the sum of Twenty pounds
sterling ; to Charlotte Catanach
daughter of the said George Catanach,
and spouse of John Stewart in New
Mill the sum of Twenty pounds sterling ;
to Mrs. Catharine Gordon, relict of the
deceased Mr. John Leslie late merchant
in Aberdeen, the sum of Twenty pounds
sterling ; to Roger, Elizabeth, Anne
and Isabella Catherine Aitkens, children
of the Reverend Rger (sic) Aitken residing
at Broadford, near Aberdeen, the sum
of Five pounds sterling each; to the said
Reverend Roger Aitken my gold ring,
containing some of the hair of his
deceased wife ; and to Mifs Jean
Wilson daughter of the deceased James
Wilson Esqr. of Finzeach the sum of
Five pounds sterling. And I ordain
my said Executors to make payment
of the foresaid legacies at the first term
of Whitsunday or Martinmas after
my death, with interest of the same
from that time, while the same shall
remain unpaid, except the legacies
bequeathed to the said Margaret
Wemyfs and her children, and to
the said Isabel and Charlotte
Catanachs, which shall be laid
out at interest by my said Executors
and the interest thereof be paid to
the said George Catanach and his
present wife my sister during their
lives and to the survivor of them, and
at the first term of Whitsunday or
Martinmafs after the death of the
longest liver of them, the said legacys (sic)
reserved as above mentioned, shall be
paid to the persons to whom they
are bequeathed as aforesaid, or to
their heirs respectively ; and I fur-
ther ordain that my said Executors
shall deliver the articles before men-
tioned, other than the pecuniary
legacies, within one month after my
death ; And if there shall be any
residue, after paying the foresaid
legacies, falling under this Testament, I do
hereby give and bequeath the same
to my said Executors equally between
them. And this I declare to be my last
Will and Testament, reserving (power)
always full power to myself to revoke
the same at pleasure ; dispensing
with the delivery hereof and declaring
that these presents shall be valid and
effectual, though found in my
custody undelivered at the time of
my death. And I consent to the
Registration hereof in the Books of
Council and Sefsion or others competent,
therein to remain for preservation ;
and for that purpose Constitute

                               My Pro’rs &c: In
witnefs whereof these presents, written
on this and the two preceding pages
by the said Reverend Roger Aitken are
subscribed by me at Aberdeen the twenty
ninth day of June in the year eighteen
hundred and five before these witnefses
Thomas Spark Bookseller in Aberdeen,
and James Forsyth apprentice to
Mefsrs. Angus and son Booksellers
also in Aberdeen (signed) Margt.
Lindsay, Thos. Spark witnefs, James
Forsyth witnefs. Extracted on this
and the three preceeding pages by
(signed) Chas Gordon.

        Follows tenor of the Confirmation
Arthur Dingwall Fordyce of
Culsh Doctor of Laws Commifsary
foresaid ratified, and approved and
hereby ratifies and approves of
the Inventory before written in so
far as the same is truly given up ; &
confirmed and hereby confirms the
said Peter Wemyfs and George
Catanach Executors Testamentary
to the said deceased Margaret
Gordon in terms of the defuncts
last Will and Testament produced
giving, granting and committing
to the said Executors full power and
warrant of intromifsion with the
sums of money contained in the
foregoing Inventory and hath
received John Harper Minister of the
Gospel at Kildrummy as Cautioner
for the said Executor that the same
shall be made forthcoming to
all persons having interest therein
as accords of the law as in a
Separate Bond of Caution to
that effect and both the Executors
and Cautioner subjected themselves
to the Jurisdiction of the Commifsary
of Aberdeen in all matters relative to
the said Executry and in case of
their happening to reside without
the Jurisdiction of the said Com-
mifsary they appointed the Com-
mifsary Clerks office of Aberdeen as
a domicile for laying on all citations
against them relative to the said
Executry which should be as
effectual as if delivered to themselves
personally and they residing within
the said Commifsariot. Given
at Aberdeen the fifteenth day of
July in the year Eighteen
hundred and six. Extracted on
this an the Eight preceding
pages by -      Chas Gordon

Testament Testamentary and Inventory relative to the will of the late Margaret Lindsay MS Gordon